Port Macquarie | Wauchope | Camden Haven | Hinterland

Meet Cassie Clark – GPMTA Board Member

From a very early age Cassie was involved with Hospitality. Her family and siblings all playing varied roles in the industry. Cassie and her husband Marten operate Seasalt Café Restaurant which is located at the Marina Port Macquarie. She is true lover of all things hospitality. This really manifests itself in the fantastic Customer Service […]

Meet Helen Mansfield – GPMTA Board Member

Meet Helen Mansfield – GPMTA Board MemberHelen has been a part of our local community for the past 10 years, and before that she spent many holidays in the area for over 30 years. She is currently on the board of Greater Port Macquarie Tourism Association. Helen, tell us a little about yourself and your […]

Meet Elsa Barbosa– GPMTA Board Member

ELSA BARBOSA We recently caught up with Elsa, board member of the Greater Port Macquarie Tourism Association. Elsa, share a little about yourself and your past and current endeavours? I moved to Port Macquarie nearly 5 years ago to be with my partner David Lazarus who used to live here 20 years prior and came […]

Meet Adam Button– GPMTA Board Member

ADAM BUTTON Meet Adam Button– GPMTA Board Member Adam Button, long term board member of the Greater Port Macquarie Tourism Association and owner of Watershed Insurance Brokers. Adam moved to Port Macquarie from Perth in 2009 and although not technically a local, lives here with his wonderful wife and three children. Watershed Insurance Brokers specialises […]

Meet Rod Bucton GPMTA Board Member

ROD BUCTONMeet Rod Bucton GPMTA Board Member Rod has been part of our local community for a large part of his life. He was born locally, grew up in the area, moved away in 1990 and returned with his wife and daughters in 2014. Rod sits on the board of Greater Port Macquarie Tourism Association, […]

Meet Chris Denny– GPMTA Board Member

CHRIS DENNY Meet Chris Denny– GPMTA Board Member Chris has been a part of our local community for eighteen years and currently sits on the board of Greater Port Macquarie Tourism Association, The Mid North Coast Community College, Business Port Macquarie, and several other community organisations. Chris and his wife Trish previously established and managed […]

Meet Naomi Hunter– GPMTA Board Member

Naomi has been a part of our local community for quite a while and on the board of GPMTA. Naomi has lived in Port Macquarie for 37 years and a Board Member for 4 years.Moving to Port Macquarie 37 years ago Naomi can never see herself leaving. She is one of the Directors at HEM […]

Meet Janette Hyde – GPMTA Board Member

JANETTE HYDE Meet Janette Hyde– GPMTA Board Member Janette is President of the Greater Port Macquarie Tourism Association and has been for over 12 years. She has been active in the Association for over 35 years. Janette has seen a lot of changes over that time and continues to advocate for the tourism industry both […]