Port Macquarie | Wauchope | Camden Haven | Hinterland

What's Happening in Port Macquarie, Wauchope, Camden Haven and Hinterland February 2022.
What's Happening in Port Macquarie, Wauchope, Camden Haven and Hinterland February 2022.

What’s Happening in Port Macquarie, Wauchope, Camden Haven and Hinterland April 2022.

CARNIVAL OF THE ANIMALS a must see experience to be held at Panthers Port Macquarie [7, 8, 9, 10, 12 & 13 April 2022]

Be transported somewhere wonderfully different for an hour, as you are swooped by a giant tie-dye turtle; stuck in a swirling confetti aviary and left not wanting to leave.

The fourteen animals featured in this original orchestral piece will spring off the musical score, and into your hearts in this highly interactive production for both the young and young at heart.

HUMANS BEWARE! Carnival of the Animals features confetti storms, glow in the dark bubbles, a part where you make you own paper fish, giant puppetry, and possibly the odd splash of water…

PERFORMERS – Guitarist, Mat Brooker (Australian Busker of the Year 2016), contemporary dancer Steph Maddren & Tim Maddren (Hi-5) as Master of Ceremonies.


The Happenings is sponsored by Hem Real Estate Port Macquarie
